Thank You for Your Incredible Support!

Dear Friends and Community,

We are deeply grateful for the overwhelming support and generosity you have shown during this difficult time. Thanks to your contributions, we have reached our funding goal to repatriate our dear friend Yogesh Belsare and support his family.

Your kindness and solidarity have brought immense relief to the grieving family, and we cannot thank you enough for standing by us.

Next Steps:

We are now working on the necessary arrangements for the repatriation and the family's return home. We will keep you updated on the progress and any further developments on this same page.

Thank you once again for your incredible support. Your compassion has made a world of difference.

With heartfelt gratitude,

BMMS Switzerland

Yogesh's Repatriation Crowd Funding

Goal: 20,000.00
Collected: 21,854.00

PS - This link and website is from Bruhan Maharashtra Mandal Switzerland (BMMS) organization and are completely trustworthy.